The Vorarlberg State Parliament (State Parliament)
The Vorarlberg State Parliament (State Parliament) is elected for a term of five years and is made up of 36 members. The State Parliament elected on 21 September 2014 was constituted in Bregenz on 15 October 2014. Its main function is legislation. It elects the State Government, establishes the preliminary State budget as well as the duty roster for the public servants.
The State Parliament elects from its members the president and two vice presidents. In conjunction with the chairpersons of the parliamentary clubs they form the extended presidium which advises the president in his decisions. At the start of a legislation period the State Parliament also elects the members of the federal council and, every six years, the public prosecutor and the director of the Provincial Audit Office. The State Parliament has an important control function over the State administration. The State Government answers to the State Parliament and submits a report on its activities every year. The office of the State Parliament is the Directorate of the State Parliament.
Online information system and document search (Link to German page)
Postanschrift: Landhaus, 6901 Bregenz
Standortanschrift: Landhaus, 6900 Bregenz
T +43 5574 511 20105
F +43 5574 511 920195
Persönliche oder telefonische Vorsprachen von Montag bis Freitag jeweils von 8 bis 12 Uhr, nachmittags nach vorheriger Vereinbarung. Entgegennahme schriftlicher Eingaben: Montag bis Donnerstag von 8 bis 12 Uhr und von 14 bis 17 Uhr sowie am Freitag von 8 bis 12 Uhr. Ausgenommen sind gesetzliche Feiertage und Tage ohne Dienstbetrieb
Weitere Kontaktinformationen
Directorate of the State Parliament
Postal and Location address:
Römerstraße 15, A-6900 Bregenz, Austria
Opening times Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 17.00 hrs or by telephone appointment
T +43 5574 511 30005
F +43 5574 511 30095